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At her parents’ home, before her kidnapping, Patty and her parents sing of their ordinary-world problems

Rain on my errands

Aphids in the garden

Two out with flu in the office

The Dow Jones still stalling


These little trivial trivial things   

Keep wearing away

Testing my patience

In my ord’nary ev’ryday


            Dad, you say...

            I don’t need my job at the store

            Mom, i get it...

            You call it “slumming"

            Me a salesgirl employee

            Earning my own money

            But what about what about

            Trying to understand me


A chip in my teacup

The same wrong number

A new parking ticket

That fly unswatted


These little trivial trivial things

Keep nibbling

To my dismay

Embezzling serenity

From Sunday to Saturday


            Dad, don’t say... I’m being unfair

            That not all things are equal 

            Mom, why do you say…

            Just leave those jobs

            For the other people

            Why can’t you see

            The way I feel is not some little

            Trivial trivial thing to me


If I only could

I’d take more pleasure

In my mornings melting

My afternoons amble-ing

Down to evenings stretched out

Pleasantly uneventful     

If not for these little trivial trivial things       


            Mom, don’t say... I’m far too young

            That I’m drifting toward

            The wrong crowd

            Dad, why do you say...

            That I just don’t get what it’s all about


            Why can’t you see...

            The way i feel is not some little

            Trivial trivial thing to me.

I most certainly would

If only I could

Take more pleasure

If only I could

Take more pleasure


In my mornings melting

My afternoons amble-ing

Down to evenings stretched out

Pleasantly uneventful 

Trivial Trivial Things -

MIDI - New Arrangement 

Trivial Trivial things - MIDI
1.2 Trivial Midi thumnails - Nov2024 v1.jpg

If not for these little

Fiddling piddling triflingly

Trivial trivial

Trivial trivial things


            What about what about

            The way I feel


That I’d never miss

If they went away


            What about what about

            The way I feel


That I’d never miss

If they went away


            The way I feel

            Is not some trivial trivial thing to me


Until the day comes

When I wish when I wish


            What about what about


These little trivial trivial things


            The way I feel the way i feel


Were my biggest concern

Round which again

Were my biggest concern

Round which again

Our little world turned

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