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Released from prison by President Carter, Patty has the life-changing realization of why the jury condemned her...

...a compassionate insight into the flaws and frailties of human nature

Each of us is trapped in our own way     

Held captive and forced to self-betray  

We so desperately need to believe        

That we’re always free to be     

The hero of our own life story   


You might excuse me for losing my way

After getting carried away         

Or for the choices I made

With a gun to my head  


What you can’t forgive is the implying

In what It means my not trying to leave

Because you still need to believe


That we’re always free to be

The hero of our own life story


We always need to believe
We might pick the lock with a pin

We can pry a window open

We would tunnel under the floor

Or we could just walk out the door 


My real crime was to make         

Twelve people imagine                

They might not prevail  

In their own private hell               


How can they swallow 

Their own moral confusion

Their own self-protective delusion

How could they abandon

Their only self-serving conclusion


That we’re always free to be

The hero of own life story

So they made me pay

To keep  them in faith

That no matter the stakes

They would never hesitate to make

Their own bold and daring escape           

MIDI - New Arrangement 

The Hero Of Our Own Life Story - MIDI
2.21 Hero Midi thumnails - Nov2024 v1.jpg

We always need to believe
We might pick the lock with a pin

We can pry a window open

We would tunnel under the floor

Or we could just walk out the door 


Now can you see how they used me

To keep their certainty clear      

To beat back their own fear

To smother their shame

They tied me to a stake and set me aflame


All to hide and deny the terrible truth                   

That we’re - not - always free to be

The hero of our own life story



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