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In a flashback, 8-year-old Patty reinterprets her childhood to rationalize her present path as a revolutionary

Crazy - crazy now - now I see-eee-eee

What it - what it means - mean-eee-eens

I was - I was born - born to overthrow

All forms of tyranny-eee-eee


Someday - someday I - I will escape my bedroom cell

From this - from this house

                (This house of gingerbread-ed-eeed)

Because I will - I will go - go to war

                (For the people)

Wrapped in my favorite red bedspread-ed-eeed


Patty! Turn off that radio!


When I’m - when I’m all - all grown up

Then you’ll - then you’ll see - see-eee-eee

When I’m - when I’m all - all grown up

You’ll be - you’ll be so - so sorry-eee-eee


I was - I was all - always meant to play a part

                (For the starving class)

The clues - the clues were - were stitched together

                (Thread by thread-ed-ed)

Now I see - now I see - see this was

My destiny-eee-eee

Wrapped in my favorite red bedspread-ed-ed


Dear diary, no one understands how I feel.

Why are so many things unfair?

I can’t wait until I’m all grown up

And no one can tell me what to do… anymore.


And I’m gonna, I’m gonna make sure that no one

Is treated unfair anywhere

I hate, I hate all the lies of what everybody believes

I’m gonna, I’m gonna make up my own mind

On my own


I know the real me

And the real me wants to be treated fair

And for everyone everywhere to be treated fair

I promise one da--


Patricia! Turn off that radio! And go to sleep right now!


My Favorite Red Bedspread -

MIDI - New Arrangement 

My Favorite Red Bedspread - MIDI
2.4 bespread Midi thumnails - Nov2024 v1.jpg

I am, mother..! And besides, you can’t hear me in my head..!


PS: When I’m - when I’m all - all grown up

Then you’ll - then you’ll see - see-eee-eee

When I’m - when I’m all - all grown up

You’ll be - you’ll be so - so sorry-eee-eee


The seeds - the seeds of - of revolution were always

Inside my head-ed-ed

Through a distant mirror I see my anger spread-ed-ed

Now I - now I see - see this is my destiny-eee-eee

Because I always loved my favorite red bedspread-ed-ed


Under - under a new flag we will march

                 (Semena revolyutsii vsegda bylo vnutri menya)

Every - every star and stripe blood red-ed-ed

                (Cherezdalekiye zerkalo ya vizh  moy gnev red -ed-ye-izd)

Every - every pauper will be king

                (Teperʹ ya vizhu eto vsegda bylo moyey sudʹboy)

Every - every voice joined in the chorus

                (Kazhdyy golos prisoyedinilsya k khoru)

Every - every child wrapped in the protection of

My favorite red bedspread-ed-ed

                (Potomu chto ya vsegda lyubil svoye

                lyubimoye krasnoye bedspread-ed-ed-ed)


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